Date fruit is the main product used by palm trees. Other by-products made from dates are as follows:
Date juice is one of the most energetic foods and like dates, it has healing properties and high nutritional value.
Date honey contains all the soluble substances of dates and is used in the beverage, chocolate, ice cream, marmalade and candy industries, as well as in confectioneries.
Yeast can be made from date juice. The resulting yeasts are rich in protein and vitamins and are used in the preparation of animal feed and also as bakery yeast.
Another by-product of dates is date vinegar, which is made by fermenting dates crushed in water.
Date kernel flour is used to make bread and animal feed. Goldsmiths and silversmiths also make charcoal from date kernels and use it to polish silverware or to polish some metals, which is one of the most widely used date industries.
Palm leaves are used to weave baskets, hats, wicker utensils, etc.
Male palm pollen is used as a softening powder for the skin of the face and hands. After collecting the pollen, it is poured into tubes and consumed gradually.